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Ages & Stages Questionnaires

What are Developmental Milestones? What is Developmental Screening, and why should I complete the ASQs?


Developmental Screening is a snapshot of a child’s current development used to determine if the child is meeting Developmental Milestones, which are things that most children can do by a certain age.  The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children receive Developmental Screening at the ages of 9, 18, 24 or 30, 36, and 48 months. If a child is experiencing delays, it is important to provide intervention as soon as possible.   Research demonstrates that the sooner a child receives intervention, the better his or her chances are of developing age appropriate skills, and not needing remediation or special education services later in life.

English Ages & Stages Questionnaires  


Families MUST Complete both Screenings (Please click the link below)


Developmental  and Social Emotional Screening



*If printing paper copies of the ASQs to submit, please also print and submit the consent form. 


Parent  Consent form

Evalucaiones de Ages & Stages en Español


Por favor, complete ambos:

(Por favor haga clic en el enlace de abajo)


Cuestionarios de Edades y Etapas:

 Desarallo ,Social y Emocional



*Si está imprimiendo copias en papel de los ASQ para enviar, también imprima y envíe el formulario de consentimiento.


Consentimiento de los Padre


Early Learning 

30207 Frankford School Rd. Frankford, DE 19945

(302) 732-1346

Fax: (302) 732-1344


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